Welcome To

Catch Them Being Good!

Are you frustrated because your dog doesn’t listen to you and you’re struggling with disruptive or destructive behaviors?
Do you lack patience or flexibility in your busy schedule to train your dog?

Our Approach
Because we believe that each dog is a unique individual, we specialize solely in customized One-on-One Private Dog Training catered to your dog’s specific needs.
Carolyn’s Canine is steadfast in our commitment to positive reinforcement clicker training strategies and concepts. Therefore, our training is free from discomfort, intimidation, punishment, and outmoded concepts like dominance as learning tools.
Let us do the Tough Work by
Better Behavior for You!

Underlying Emotional Issues
— Anxiety
— Fear
— Low Confidence
— Shyness
Problem Behaviors
— Chewing
— Counter-Surfing
— Digging
— Excessive Barking
— Jumping
— Leash Reactivity
— Resource Guarding
Basic Manners
— Polite Greetings
— Sit
— Down
— Stay
— Come
— Drop
— Leave
— Walking on a Loose Leash
Foundation Behaviors
— Touch a Target
— Respond to a Cue
— Give Attention to Handler
— Offer Behavior
— Settle in a Crate

Choose a Service
Boarding your dog with a professional dog trainer is the perfect solution for pet owners who need to travel for work or vacation. Your furry friend will receive one-on-one attention and training, tailored to their specific needs, in a warm and loving home environment.
If you lack time and need immediate help managing problem behaviors, this service might fill your needs. While you’re at work (or play) leave your dog with us for personalized private training sessions.
This is a wonderful service for anyone who feels more confident with personal
instruction and whose dog learns better in their own environment.
Coaching is available both in person and virtually.
How It Works

We’ll discuss your concerns and will provide you with a personalized Training Plan to achieve your goals.